Furniture Material Contact Imprint



Passion and Values
My profession is inspired by a deep passion for this material, the variety of workmanship and the interest in historical furniture have inspired and led me to choose the profession of a carpenter.

Over the years I have honed and perfected my skills, in regard of crafting and working with different types of wood. The passion for traditional/historic furniture comes from a profound interest in the arts&craft movement as well as shaker furniture.

The functionality, simplicity and longevity of these furniture’s have inspired and led me to produce furniture in balance between these styles. I have committed myself to produce custom made furniture made entirely out of solid wood. This makes every product/piece a unique and perfect piece of furniture.


Kim Wich-Glasen Massivholzmöbel  - Oldenburger Str. 13a - 26180 Rastede / Germany - Tel.: +49 (0) 4402- 91 69 72 -  Imprint