Furniture Material Contact Imprint


A Lifetime

Wood is a living material with high durability, which matures with time. Depending on the light saturation, solid wood changes its color. The exposed open wood surface then either absorbs or emits the moisture, as a result it expands or contracts. The use of mortised or galvanized connections guarantees that the furniture does not warp and it adjusts accordingly to the appropriate climate.

When constructing my furniture I mainly use bee wax in combination with linseed oil to treat the wood.

The oil serves as penetration and infiltrates the wood. The wax provides build-up coats protecting the surface. But neither the oil nor the wax closes the pores of the wood, allowing it to breathe and the moisture exchange still takes place.


Kim Wich-Glasen Massivholzmöbel  - Oldenburger Str. 13a - 26180 Rastede / Germany - Tel.: +49 (0) 4402- 91 69 72 -  Imprint